

Welcome to The Hump! Podcast …. In episode 20 of The Hump! Podcast: The Bucket List ….  hosts Brent Bowen and Chad Beland talk the life experiences that comprise their respective “Bucket Lists.”

Chad commits to his bucket list on a regular basis, constantly scratching items off the list — and occasionally adding activities that hit a chord. Brent, on the other hand, keeps his list nice and short and embraces the surprises that surprise him each day. Still, Luke Perry’s untimely passing got him thinking a bit more about what he’d still like to accomplish in life.

The Hump! Podcast Episode 20 Show Notes – The Bucket List

If You Missed The First Several Episodes

Miss the first several episodes of The Hump! Show?

In Ep. 20 of The Hump! Podcast, Brent & Chad Talk Near Death Experiences and Bucket List Items …

But before they discuss The Bucket List, Brent and Chad  …


This Week’s Topic — The Bucket List

So … do you keep a bucket list?

In Their Bucket List Discussion, The Fellas: 


Talk Why a Bucket List Works or Doesn’t For Them …

Chad and his wife, Di, keep their list on their phones. To them, life is about experiences.  Di keeps both a life-long list and a yearly list.

Some items on Di’s list:

  • See an NHL Hockey game
  • Go camping (really go camping — and not in a cabin. A tent. First world problems.)
  • Ziplining was a past list item

Our producer, Grant, keeps a Summer List of things he wants to do with friends.

Chad’s list contains:

  • Visit 50 countries (he’s been to 14) and 50 states (35 so far)
  • Scuba dive in the Red Sea
  • See the Northern Lights (did you know you can see the Aurora from Alaska? Don’t believe us, see …)

Travel Channel State-by-State Bucket List

About the time the gents recorded this episode, the Travel Channel published a list of 50 States of Bucket List Adventures.

Alabama has Space Camp. See the American Gothic painting in Iowa. Herd longhorn in Kansas (Brent’s life experience includes castrating cattle — one less thing on Brent’s list). Bonne Terre Mine in Missouri peaks Chad’s curiosity. It’s an intense diving experience looming just outside of St. Louis.

But Ohio … Not the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame. No sir. Not Canton, Ohio, and the NFL Hall of Fame. Nope. Not even currently en vogue Columbus. It’s the roller coaster capital of what …. Really?

Stepping Up to The Bucket List Challenge

Can Brent and Becca step up to the challenge. Brent says their list is pretty conventional …. A trip to Venice, Italy, publishing a novel or even scaling a rock climbing wall would make the list.

Now, Chad and Brent’s near-death experiences may be more interesting. The boys admit to throwing steel-tipped darts at one another (idiots), jumping out of boat at thirty miles an hour, and nearly dying white water rafting on a stretch of Colorado River called “The Numbers.” (It almost did a number on Brent, so no more boulder sits for him.).

The fellas have had their moments! Chad has tried his hand at skydiving. And Brent found himself on a Lake Tahoe stage in front of a few thousand people singing with Michael Franti. Next up … Emmitt Smith.

Brent taking the mic, singing with Michael Franti in front of few thousand in Lake Tahoe.

Surprisingly, Brent does not consider this a near-death experience.

The fellas also chat briefly about inspiring stories about life’s pursuits or one’s reflection on life. They chat about Emma Mertens “letters from dogs” and Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture.

And This Episode’s Game of “Triple D” …

To close out The Hump! Podcast … Brent and Chad play a quick round of Triple D.

What’s Triple D?

They throw out a scenario … and discuss whether it’s a DICK, DOUCHE or DUMBASS move …

This week’s Triple D move — What do you call someone who travels to a foreign land and expects all of the comforts of home?

We discuss and debate on the show, but feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments (keep it clean folks, as they reserve the right to delete any personal attacks or defamatory information).

You Can Catch The Hump! Live

You can watch Brent and Chad LIVE 7 p.m. CST most Thursdays on Facebook  (and sometimes Instagram — when it works).

They’ll publish the replays on Facebook and places where good audio can be found (see below platforms — and not saying they’re good, but they’ll slum along greatness).

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